Welcome to the start of my campaign for 2nd Vice District Governor of Lions District 4L4.
Over the next four months, I will record my visits to each Lions Club in the District as I share my thoughts and goals with fellow Lions and ask for their vote. The election will be held at the District 4L4 Convention May 19-21, 2017 at the Pala Mesa Resort in Fallbrook, CA. The endorsement letter from my club, Huntington Beach Host Lions, was sent to District Governor Bob and the chairs of the Nominations, Elections, and Credentials committees. I sent an email to Past District Governors informing them of my candidacy as well. The final touches of the website were made and it is nearing ready for its launch this weekend. The website is an active site and should I be elected it will serve as an communication vehicle to District Lions regarding the tasks I am involved in. Your input is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Now that we are well on our way into the 21st century and shortly will be celebrating Lions 100th Anniversary, I will use the communication tools many of us rely on daily. This is intended to celebrate our past and embrace new opportunities to serve, by using all of the tools available to communicate our work. It will hopefully encourage others to join with us in serving out communities. Comments are closed.
My name is Mark Piva and I am the GAT Area Leader Archives
January 2019