Team mark
"It has been my privilege and honor to work with Mark Piva over the last six years. He is a Lion of exceptional integrity and ethics. Mark demonstrates the ability to work with Lions from many backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and opinions. He has provided opportunities to grow skills for Lions throughout the Multiple as MD4 NAMI Champion and as Constitutional Area 1B as GAT Leader. Mark has a unique ability to listen and offer guidance without telling a Lion or group what to do. He consistently allows the Lion or group he is working with to make their own decisions. This is a critical skill in developing leaders and building effective teams. Mark is a trainer and facilitator at heart. He loves watching others succeed. Mark shares his knowledge and ideas unselfishly. He connects others to resources to support their needs. Throughout his various positions, he has diligently worked to serve the needs of others. All of these attributes are critical to an International Director. Mark Piva exemplifies the qualities needed to serve in this critical role of the Association. It is my honor to endorse Mark Piva as the MD4 candidate for International Director." Yours in Service, District Governor Claudia Miller, Modesto 500 Lions (4-A1) *****
Vertical Divider
"It is with great honor that I endorse PDG Mark Piva as our candidate for International Director for Multiple District Four.
PDG Mark has not only been a good friend of mine, but he has been my advisor during my time of service as the Council Chair for Multiple District Four. I met Mark four years ago as I started serving as the Second Vice District Governor in District 4-C1. Mark is a very friendly, levelheaded man that takes his responsibilities very seriously. He thinks before he responds or reacts to every situation. Mark has also provided me with thoughtful questions to develop my response to circumstances before me. His advice is sound and reliable. As the GAT Leader for Constitutional Are 1B, Mark has engaged Lion Leaders from a wide and diverse area, always with encouragement, advice and guidance. I wholeheartedly feel PDG Mark is the best candidate for International Director, and I fully endorse him for the position." IPCC Karen Crook, Paradise Lions (4-C1) *****
"I have had the opportunity to work with PDG Mark Piva in a variety of capacities. What I have found most about Mark is that he is always striving to showcase others and make sure they are successful in their endeavors. He is willing to supply advice, resources, suggestions, and support.
PDG Mark will make a fabulous International Director because he is personable, and he listens with a discerning ear. He chooses his words carefully and supplies people with the items they need at the right time. His encouragement of others is unparalleled." District Governor Elisa Coyle, Anderson Lions (4-C1) *****
"Leadership is nothing new to Mark Piva. From the time he joined Lions he has shown a remarkable talent to communicate, influence and teach what leadership is all about. Just attend one of his training sessions and you will agree. We are fortunate to have him as a candidate for Lions Club International Director where he can share his expertise with others in our fine organization. I’ve worked with Mark in a number of capacities and find him to be a hard worker who listens before acting, is fair and logical in judgement and decisions and an all-around good guy with a Lion’s heart. I am proud to call him a friend.", District 4L4 Past District Governor 1998-1999 Ellen Liebherr, Seal Beach Lions (4-L4)
"I’ve been an (Ocean City, Maryland) Lion for 38+ years. I began visiting local, close by, Lions Club’s in Orange County since relocating to this area.
My difficult choice of Club’s to join became easy after visiting the Huntington Beach Lions Club while Mark Piva was King Lion and ‘experiencing’ two Mark ‘run’ meetings. Mark is on target...a great speaker AND listener, he is quick and smart, Mark has an easy way about himself to go with his keen sense of humor. Mark is a leader. " Lion Mike Wicklein, Huntington Beach Host Lion (4-L4) *****
I have had the privilege of working with PDG Mark since we began our journey into the position of District Governors back in 2017/2018. Upon completing our District Governor term in 2020, PDG Mark took on the role of the very first NAMI (now GMA) Champion for MD4. It is a position that launched him into providing guidance and support wherever needed. Since becoming the GAT Area Leader for Constitutional Area IB, he has developed a wealth of knowledge that he is willing to share with anyone that asks for his help. PDG Mark is to be commended for his leadership and his dedication to the Lions organization. He has demonstrated transparency and honesty in everything he does. It is without hesitation that give my endorsement to PDG Mark Piva for International Director. Lion PDG Juanita Nichols, Santa Maria Sunrisers Lion (4-A3)
I have had the honor to work with Mark Piva in starting a new Lion's club in Orange County. He has provided us with top notch guidance to our small group. My son who is a Special Olympian and I are grateful for Mark's on-going support and dedication to the Lions organization. He has a wealth of knowledge that he generously shares with us new members of the Huntington Beach club. I am especially grateful for his patience and encouragement to my son. Lion Debby Becket, Huntington Beach Host Lions (4-L4)
I've known Mark Piva since 2009 when he joined the Huntington Beach Lions Club.During this time I've observed Lion Mark's keen sense of humor and his excellent communication skills. As District Governor of District 4L4, he was enthusiastic and a creative problem solver during his leadership. Mark is very approachable and has excellent rapport with Leos and Lions throughout MD4. Mark's integrity and experience on the Global Membership Team will benefit Lion's International Association world-wide. Lion PDG Kurt Vanderwest, Orange County Central Lions (4-L4)
District 4-L4 Lions Endorse Lion Mark Piva for International Director
On Saturday, July 29, 2023 in a Special Convention, for which notice was properly given, District 4-L4 voted to endorse Lion PDG Mark Piva for the office of International Director to serve Lions Multiple District 4 and that his name be placed on the ballot at the February 2024 MD4 Convention.
Lion Mark meets all the qualifications to serve in this capacity as set forth in the Constitution and ByLaws of Lions Clubs International. He is a member in good standing of the Huntington Beach Host Lions #2607. For the past two years (2021-present), he has served as the LCI Area GAT Leader for 1B /2E. He was a District Governor (2019-2020), a 1st Vice District Governor (2018-2019) and a 2nd Vice District Governor (2017-2018). He was Multiple District 4 NAMI Champion (2020-2021). He is a Lions Certified Instructor (LCIP 2023). Lion Mark has served in the capacities of President, Treasurer, Board Member, Branch Club President. Lion Mark was Zone A Chair of Saddleback Region during the term of 2016-2017, and served as a member of the District GMT Committee (for two years). He is currently co-editor of the club online newsletter, administrator of club’s Facebook page and website. He was a Guiding Lion for the OC Champions Lions Branch Club and was instrumental in helping the OC Hana Lions Club become chartered. He taught the district President’s training course for two years. He served as PR Chair for Crabfest multiple times, represented the club on the HB Host Town World Games Special Olympics Committee, among other activities. Lion Mark is a Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow, recipient of the International Presidents Medal, IP Certificate of Appreciation, and District Governor’s Appreciation Award. He was District 4-L4 President of the Year 2014-2015. Lion Mark serves as Treasurer of Lions Float, Inc.
Lion Mark is a committed Lion who works diligently behind the scenes helping to ensure the success of projects. He is a teacher at Southern New Hampshire University. Born and raised in New Bedford, MA, Lion Mark makes his home in Huntington Beach.
District 4-L4 trusts Lion Mark Piva is qualified and recognizes he would make an excellent candidate for International Director. District 4-L4 is proud to enthusiastically support Lion Mark and his candidacy.
Alan “Drew” Sasser
District Governor 4-L4
On Saturday, July 29, 2023 in a Special Convention, for which notice was properly given, District 4-L4 voted to endorse Lion PDG Mark Piva for the office of International Director to serve Lions Multiple District 4 and that his name be placed on the ballot at the February 2024 MD4 Convention.
Lion Mark meets all the qualifications to serve in this capacity as set forth in the Constitution and ByLaws of Lions Clubs International. He is a member in good standing of the Huntington Beach Host Lions #2607. For the past two years (2021-present), he has served as the LCI Area GAT Leader for 1B /2E. He was a District Governor (2019-2020), a 1st Vice District Governor (2018-2019) and a 2nd Vice District Governor (2017-2018). He was Multiple District 4 NAMI Champion (2020-2021). He is a Lions Certified Instructor (LCIP 2023). Lion Mark has served in the capacities of President, Treasurer, Board Member, Branch Club President. Lion Mark was Zone A Chair of Saddleback Region during the term of 2016-2017, and served as a member of the District GMT Committee (for two years). He is currently co-editor of the club online newsletter, administrator of club’s Facebook page and website. He was a Guiding Lion for the OC Champions Lions Branch Club and was instrumental in helping the OC Hana Lions Club become chartered. He taught the district President’s training course for two years. He served as PR Chair for Crabfest multiple times, represented the club on the HB Host Town World Games Special Olympics Committee, among other activities. Lion Mark is a Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow, recipient of the International Presidents Medal, IP Certificate of Appreciation, and District Governor’s Appreciation Award. He was District 4-L4 President of the Year 2014-2015. Lion Mark serves as Treasurer of Lions Float, Inc.
Lion Mark is a committed Lion who works diligently behind the scenes helping to ensure the success of projects. He is a teacher at Southern New Hampshire University. Born and raised in New Bedford, MA, Lion Mark makes his home in Huntington Beach.
District 4-L4 trusts Lion Mark Piva is qualified and recognizes he would make an excellent candidate for International Director. District 4-L4 is proud to enthusiastically support Lion Mark and his candidacy.
Alan “Drew” Sasser
District Governor 4-L4