The first District 4-L4 Meeting was held on Saturday, July 22, 2017 at the Costa Mesa Country Club. More than 180 Lions and friends attended this meeting to kick-off the new Lions year. District Governor Judy Barr put together a great event to install her cabinet. Along with the installation of 1st Vice District Governor Randy McMillan and me, Cabinet Secretary Diane Quinlan, Cabinet Treasurer Sandy Scheafer, GMT Chair Steve Christy, GLT Chair PDG Dan Mayer, and Region and Zone Chairs we installed by PDG Mike Scheafer. PDG Mike did a great job of adding to the fun of the day, as did the artistic creation by Miss Tustin Emma Foss, and the beautiful voice of former Miss Tustin 2010 Sarah Salazar. I received a special award (sort of) from IPDG Bob Susaeta. Though I was hoping it was the exalted ruler medal, IPDG Bob indicated it was the wrong group, and instead presented he with a Lion hat. I am sure he thought it would make me stand out. I was honored to have 24 Huntington Beach Host Lions in attendance cheering me on, and being present for the induction of two new HBH Lions, Lion Erinn Lancaster and Lion Mike Newell. I could not undertake this venture without their endorsement and support.
This past weekend, I began visiting Lions Clubs in our District as 2nd Vice District Governor. Kicking off the weekend was the 73rd Annual Community Fish Fry in Seal Beach, hosted by the Seal Beach Lions. More than 200 Seal Beach Lions join together for this longtime community event. While there, I met Club President Seth Eaker whose enthusiasm and dancing skills need to be seen to be believed. The fish was great, as was the hospitality of Lion Renee Gormley. Seal Beach is one of the largest Lions Clubs in North America with over 300 members. The relationship they have with their community is one to be envious of; they have been serving the residents of Seal Beach since 1939. Here are some fun photos from the event: Happy 25th Anniversary Harbor Mesa LionsThe second visit was to the Harbor Mesa Lions 25th Anniversary celebration in Newport Beach. These Lions were gracious and fun loving as usual, as we relaxed on the Lanai at Newport Landing. Lion President and Past District Governor Barbara Hayward welcomed us and shared their humble beginnings as a Lioness Club and the formation of the Harbor Mesa Lions Club shortly after women were admitted as Lions. It is hard to believe that some of these ladies were not only charter members of the club, but members of the Lioness club as well. Youth springs eternal!
Yvonne Poyo, a member of the Cape of Good Hope Lions Club in South Africa was in attendance with her two daughters. Her club is a Twinning club with Harbor Mesa. The International Club Twinning program promotes the association’s Third Purpose: To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. Through this program Lions and Leos alike have the opportunity to formalize their friendships with clubs in other countries, learn about different cultures, exchange experiences and ideas about what it means to be a Lion, and add an international dimension to their service mission. Let's let some pictures tell the story: |
My name is Mark Piva and I am the GAT Area Leader Archives
January 2019